An AVM consists of abnormal arteriovenous communications that permit arterial blood to enter the venous system without passing through a capillary bed. They can result in bleeding into the brain and recent studies suggest the average risk of hemorrhage from AVM is about 2-4% per year. They are diagnosed by neuroimaging – most often seen on MRI or MR angiogram or conventional arteriography. AVM’s can develop anywhere in the body but they occur most often in the brain or spine. It can affect less than 1% of the general population.


Signs and symptoms

  • Weakness
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty Speaking
  • Confusion
  • Unsteadiness
  • Headaches
  • Seizures

Note: these are just a few signs and symptoms provided for informational purposes. Do not attempt self-diagnosis based on this list.


Most often AVM is treated surgically or by utilizing endovascular procedures or stereotactic radiosurgery. Conservative, non-surgical interventions may also be used depending on surgical risks to the patient.

Northern Neurology Specialties, Dr. Jill Bressler – Arteriovenous Malformation Treatment

If AVM is diagnosed, the first decision is to decide the best treatment method (surgical or conservative). Dr. Jill Bressler will guide you through the process of diagnosis, bring in pertinent subspecialists and help facilitate the best treatment options for any particular AVM. Call us today to find out more about AVM or make an appointment to see what treatment options are best for your case.