People across all occupations can be affected by work-related injuries. They can range from repetitive stress injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to more serious, traumatic injuries. Work-related injuries can result from a wide variety of incidents and industries and are treated by any number of medical disciplines as well as ancillary professions.

Work accident

Some of the more common accidents we have heard of and treat result from: lifting, falling, slipping, falling objects, physical assaults, motor vehicle accidents, explosions, electrocution, construction, industrial, inhalation and toxic exposure to name but a few.

Work-related injuries should be assessed and treated promptly in order to avoid untoward outcomes.  It is imperative that you contact your human resources department or benefits administrator in order to facilitate medical benefits for injured employees. In more severe cases, you may need to obtain the services of an advocate. Following an injury, you may also want to speak with a work injury treatment specialist.

Ideally, our goal in treating the injured worker is to restore his/her functional capacity.  In some instances, appropriate employment modifications may be necessary in order for you to maintain employment with your existing injuries.  As is the case with severe traumatic injuries, the patient may be totally disabled and appropriate planning may be necessary.

If you are suffering from an injury sustained at your workplace, seek the advice of your doctor and call your local Worker’s Compensation Office in your state. To speak with a work injury specialist in Nassau County, call Northern Neurology Specialties at 1.516.364.4484.